Safeguarding Policy



Enfield Town FC Community Sports Development Ltd (the organisation) will take seriously any allegations or suspicions of abuse.

This policy is based on the following principles:

  • The welfare of the child is paramount.
  • All children, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse.
  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
  • Staff/volunteers are trained to understand the nature of abuse and to be alert to matters of concern.  They are not trained to deal with situations of abuse or to decide if abuse has occurred.
  • All staff (paid/unpaid) working in the organisation have a responsibility to report concerns to the Designated Person with responsibility for child protection.

Working in Partnership

In most cases, the orgnanisation will include children in its activities whilst working with partner organisations, such as voluntary and community organisations, Schools and Children’s Centres.  On entering into a partnership the organisation will determine whether partners have the following;

1.    A child protection and safeguarding policy and a vulnerable adult safeguarding policy

2.    A designated lead

3.    Staff/volunteers recruited using safe recruitment practices, trained in child protection and hold current DBS checks

4.    A code of conduct/behaviour for working with children

5.    A clear reporting process for disclosures, suspected incidents of abuse and allegations against staff, volunteers and other group members

6.   Policies and procedures recognising Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), grooming, and sexual exploitation and online exploitation.

7.    Data protection and confidentiality protocols reflecting best practice with regard to safeguarding

Where Organisation A is working without a host and directly with families with children and young people, [Organisation A] will ensure that the project co-ordinator is trained in safeguarding policies and procedures, is DBS checked and conducts a risk assessment specifically for the project.  The risk assessment will be the starting point for the production of any specific policies and procedures that will need to be produced to ensure children and young people are cared for.

Securing Data about Families

The organisation will have to keep data about families on occasions, for example to monitor adult child ratios when managing a crèche.  The organisation will only keep sensitive data that is absolutely necessary for the purpose it is collected and destroy it as soon as possible (as is the case for the organisations vulnerable adults’ policy).

Personal, sensitive or confidential information will be kept securely locked in the office if a hard copy is needed.  However, it will normally only exist electronically on a secured (password operated) pc and not shared with anyone except the person requiring access to it, usually the Parent Programme Project Co-ordinator.  As soon as data is no longer needed, i.e. the programme/ project is completed, the sensitive data will be deleted.  Contact details may be required for follow up support to parents.  However, the organisation will not keep any data about children unless there are exceptional cases.



Date first adopted: 11 February 2021

Date for next review: 15 January 2024

Signed Board of ETFCCS

The member of staff co-ordinating any projects that are working with children, will receive regular training on safeguarding and reporting concerns of abuse.

When any allegations, concerns or suspicions of abuse are reported, the member of staff co-ordinating any projects, will immediately advise the designated safeguarding person of the partner agency/organisation or directly to the police or social services where appropriate.

Police contact number 101 in a non-emergency and 999 in an emergency.

If you have an immediate Child Protection concern about a child or family that needs an urgent safeguarding response, contact:

Enfield Children’s MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub)

Tel: 0208 379 5555

For urgent child protection concerns please call the MASH first before submitting a referral in writing.

For non-urgent referrals that still require a safeguarding response please visit the Children’s portal and complete an online child protection referral by visiting

If you are concerned about a child’s safety and wellbeing and are aware the case is already open to children’s social care, please contact the social worker directly or contact the switchboard on 0208 379 1000 if you do not know their contact number but know their name. Otherwise, please call the MASH as a last resort who can identify who the social worker is and put you through.

Early Help & support

For children & families that require early help and support please contact the Early Help service duty team on: 020 8379 2002 or 020 8379 2525 or please visit the Children’s portal and complete an online Family Support referral by visiting

For Emergency Out of Hours safeguarding concerns, one can call the Emergency Duty Team via 0208 379 1000.

  1. Suspecting that Abuse has Occurred

If you suspect that abuse may have occurred:

  1. You must report the concerns immediately to the Designated person at the organisation or partner organisation. The role of the designated person is to:
    1. Obtain information from staff, volunteers, children or parents and carers who have child protection concerns and to record this information.
    2. Assess the information quickly and carefully and ask for further information as appropriate.
    3. They should also consult with a statutory child protection agency such as the local social services department or the NSPCC to clarify any doubts or worries.
    4. The designated person should make a referral to a statutory child protection agency or the police without delay.
  1. Suspicions will not be discussed with anyone other than those nominated above.
  1. It is the right of any individual to make direct referrals to the child protection agencies.

If for any reason you believe that the nominated persons have not responded appropriately to your concerns, then it is up to you to contact the child protection agencies directly.

  1. Procedures for Recording Disclosure of Abuse

If a Child makes a Disclosure of Abuse;

  1. Make notes as soon as possible (ideally within 1 hour of being told).  You should write down exactly what the child has said and what you said in reply and what was happening immediately before being told (i.e. the activity being delivered).
  1. You should record the dates, times and when you made the record. All hand written notes should be kept securely.
  1. You should report your discussion with the designated person as soon as possible. If this person is implicated you need to report to the second designated person.  If both are implicated report to the Chair or Social Services.
  1. You should under no circumstances discuss your suspicions or allegations with anyone other than those nominated above.
  1. After a child has disclosed abuse the designated persons should carefully consider whether or not it is safe for a child to return home to potentially abusive situation. On these rare occasions it may be necessary to take immediate action to contact Social Services to discuss putting safety measures into effect.

  1. Allegations of Physical Injury or Neglect

If a child has a symptom of physical injury or neglect the designated person will:

  1. Contact Social Services for advice in cases of deliberate injury or concerns about the safety of the child. The organisation or the partner agency/ organisation in these circumstances should not inform the parents.
  1. Where emergency medical attention is necessary it will be sought immediately. The designated person will inform medical persons of any suspicions of abuse.
  1. In other circumstances speak with the parent/carer/guardian and suggest that medical help/attention is sought for the child. The doctor will then initiate further action if necessary.
  1. If appropriate the parent/carer will be encouraged to seek help from Social Services. If the parent/care/guardian fails to act the designated person should in case of real concern contact social services for advice.
  1. Where the designated person is unsure whether to refer a case to Social Services then advice from the London Safeguarding Partnership (LSP) will be sought.
  1. Allegations of Sexual Abuse

In the event of allegations or suspicions of sexual abuse the designated person will:

  1. Contact the Social Service duty social worker for children and families directly. The designated person will not speak to the parent (or anyone else)
  1. If the designated person is unsure whether or not to follow the above guidance then advice from the LSCB will be sought.
  1. III.Under no circumstances is the designated person attempt to carry out any investigation into the allegation or suspicions of sexual abuse. The role of the designated person is to collect and clarify the precise details of the allegation or suspicion and to provide this information to Social Services whose task it is to investigate the matter under section 47 of the Children Act.
  1. Whilst allegations or suspicions of sexual abuse should normally be reported to the designated person, their absence should not delay referral to Social Services.
  1. Responding to Allegations of Abuse

If a child discloses abuse, the following response should be considered;

  1. Secrets- it is important not to make promises that you may not be able to keep. Do not say that you will keep what a child or young person is about to tell you as confidential, before the child has confided in you, as you may have a duty to share it with others.
  1. Stay calm, listen carefully to what is being said
  1. Find an appropriate early opportunity to explain that it is likely that the information will need to be share with others-do not promise to keep secrets
  1. Allow the child to continue at his/her own pace
  1. Ask questions for clarification only, and at all time avoid asking questions that suggest a particular answer
  1. Reassure the child that they have done the right thing in telling you
  1. VII.Tell them what you will do next and with whom the information will be shared
  1. VIII.Record in writing what was said using the child’s own words as soon as possible, note the date, time, any names mentioned, to whom the information was given and ensure that the record is signed and dated

Helpful statements to make

I believe you (or showing acceptance of what the child says)

Thank you for telling me

It’s not your fault

I will help you

Do not say

Why didn’t you tell anyone before?

I can’t believe it!

Are you sure that this is true?

Why? Who? When? Where?

Never make false promises

  1. Support to Deal with the Aftermath of Abuse

Consideration should be given to the kind of support that children, parents and members of staff may need. Use of helplines, support groups and open meetings will maintain an open culture and help the healing process. The British Association for Counselling Directory is available from The British Association for Counselling (Tel: 01455 883300; visit ).

  1. Definitions of Abuse

These definitions are based on those from Working Together to Safeguard Children (Department of Health, Home office, Department for Education and Employment, 2015)

  1. Physical abuse
  1. I.Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing harm to a child.
  1. II.Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes ill health to a child whom they are looking after. This situation is commonly described as factitious illness, fabricated or induced illness in children or “Munchausen Syndrome by proxy” after the person who first identified this situation.
  1. III.A person might do this because they enjoy or need the attention they get through having a sick child.
  1. IV.Physical abuse, as well as being the result of a deliberate act, can also be caused through omission or the failure to act to protect.
  1. Emotional abuse
  1. I.Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve making a child feel or believe they are worthless or unloved, inadequate or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of the other person.
  1. II.It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. It may also involve causing children to feel frequently frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of a child.
  1. III.Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of ill treatment of a child, though it may occur alone.
  1. Sexual abuse
  1. I.Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of, or consents to, what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative acts such as rape, buggery or oral sex, or non-penetrative acts such as fondling.
  1. II.Sexual abuse may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.
  1. III.Boys and girls can be sexually abused by males and or females, by adults and by other young people. This includes people from all different walks of life.
  1. Neglect
  1. I.  Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. It may involve a parent or a carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, leaving a young child home alone or the failure to ensure that a child gets appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.
  1. II.  It is accepted that in all forms of abuse there are elements of emotional abuse, and that some children are subjected to more than one form of abuse at any time. These four definitions do not minimise other forms of maltreatment.


Recent guidance notes other sources of stress for children and families, such as social exclusion, domestic violence, the mental illness of a parent or carer, or drug and alcohol misuse. These may have a negative impact on a child’s health and development and may be noticed by an organisation caring for a child. If it is felt that a child’s well-being is adversely affected by any of these areas, the same procedures should be followed.

  1. Recognising and Responding to Abuse

The following signs may or may not be indicators that abuse has taken place, but the possibility should be considered.

  1. Signs of Physical Abuse
  1. I.Any injuries not consistent with the explanation given for them
  1. II.Injuries which occur to the body in places which are not normally exposed to falls or games
  1. III.Unexplained bruising, marks or injuries on any part of the body
  1. IV.Bruises which reflect hand marks or fingertips (from slapping or pinching)
  1. V.Cigarette burns
  1. VI.Bite marks
  1. VII.Broken bones
  1. VIII.Scalds
  1. IX.Injuries which have not received medical attention
  1. X.Neglect-under nourishment, failure to grow, constant hunger, stealing or gorging food, untreated illnesses, inadequate care
  2. XI.Repeated urinary infections or unexplained stomach pains

Changes in behaviour which can also indicate physical abuse:

  1. Fear of parents being approached for an explanation
  2. Aggressive behaviour or severe temper outbursts
  3. Flinching when approached or touched
  4. Reluctance to get changed, for example, wearing long sleeves in hot weather
  5. Depression
  6. Withdrawn behaviour
  7. Running away from home
  1. Signs of Emotional Abuse
  1. I.A failure to thrive or grow particularly if a child puts on weight in other circumstances e.g. in hospital or away from their parents’ care
  1. II.Sudden speech disorders
  1. III.Persistent tiredness
  1. IV.Development delay, either in terms of physical or emotional progress

Changes in behaviour which can also indicate emotional abuse include

  1. Obsessions or phobias
  2. Sudden under-achievement or lack of concentration
  3. Inappropriate relationships with peers and/or adults
  4. Being unable to play
  5. Attention seeking behaviour
  6. Fear of making mistakes
  7. Self-harm
  8. Fear of parent being approached regarding their behaviour
  1. Signs of Sexual Abuse
  1. I.Pain or itching in the genital/anal area
  1. II.Bruising or bleeding near genital/anal areas
  1. III.Sexually transmitted disease
  1. IV.Vaginal discharge or infection
  1. V.Stomach pains
  1. VI.Discomfort when walking or sitting down
  1. VII.Pregnancy

Changes in behaviour which can also indicate sexual abuse include:

  1. Sudden or unexplained changes in behaviour e.g. becoming withdrawn or aggressive
  2. Fear of being left with a specific person or group of people
  3. Having nightmares
  4. Running away from home
  5. Sexual knowledge which is beyond their age or developmental level
  6. Sexual drawings or language
  7. Bedwetting
  8. Eating problems such as over-eating or anorexia
  9. Self-harm or mutilation, sometimes leading to suicide attempts
  10. Saying they have secrets they cannot tell anyone about
  11. Substance or drug abuse
  12. Suddenly having unexplained sources of money
  13. Not allowed to have friends (particularly in adolescence)
  14. Acting in a sexually explicit way with adults
  1. Signs of Neglect
  1. I.Constant hunger, sometimes stealing food from other children
  1. II.Constantly dirty or smelly
  1. III.Loss of weight or being constantly underweight
  1. IV.Inappropriate dress for the conditions

Changes in behaviour which can also indicate neglect include:

  1. Complaining of being tired all the time
  2. Not requesting medical assistance and/or failing to attend appointments
  3. Having few friends
  4. Mentioning being left alone or unsupervised
  1. Good Practice Guidelines

All personnel should be encouraged to demonstrate exemplary behaviour in order to protect themselves from false allegations. The following are common sense examples of how to create a positive culture and climate.

Good practice means:

  1. Always working in an open environment (e.g. avoiding private or unobserved situations and encouraging open communication with no secrets).
  1. Treating all children and young people equally, and with respect and dignity.
  1. Always putting the welfare of each child and young person first.
  1. Maintaining a safe and appropriate distance with children and young people (e.g. it is not appropriate for staff or volunteers to have an intimate relationship with a child or to share a room with them).
  1. Building balanced relationships based on mutual trust which empowers children to share in the decision-making process;
  1. Making activities and other off site activities fun, enjoyable and safe.
  1. VII.Keeping up to date with technical skills, qualifications and insurance.
  1. VIII.Being an excellent role model – this includes not smoking or drinking alcohol in the company of young people.
  1. Giving enthusiastic and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism.
  1. Recognising the developmental needs and capacity of children and young people and not pushing them against their will.
  1. Keeping a written record of any injury that occurs, along with the details of any treatment given.
  1. Allegations Against Staff or Volunteers who work with Children

If there are any allegations of child abuse made against staff, volunteers or participants in the groups advice should be sought from the Designated Officer, or DO, (formerly known as the Local Authority Designated Officer, or LADO).  This is set out in the Government’s Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015) and is governed by the Authorities’ duties under section 11 of the Children Act 2004 and London Child Protection Procedures Chapter 7: Allegations against staff or volunteers who work with children. 


        Reporting Suspected Abuse – Confidential Recording Sheet


Name of person reporting

Name of child

Age and date of birth



First language


Parent’s/Carer’s name (s)

Home address/Tel no

Are you reporting your concerns or reporting someone else’s. Please give details.

Brief description of what has prompted the concerns: include date, time, specific incidents.

Any physical signs? Behavioural signs? Indirect signs?

Have you spoken to the child? If so, what was said?

Have you spoken to the parent(s)? if so, what was said?

Has anybody been alleged to be the abuser? If so, please give details?

Have you consulted anybody else? Please give details

Person reported to and date of reporting

Signature of person reporting

Today’s date

Action taken
