Soccer School

Disability Squad

Walking Football

Specialised Sessions

Latest News

Join our Saturday morning school now. Football for boys and girls aged 4 – 11. Goalkeeping for 5 – 18 year olds. 3G pitches Donkey Lane, Enfield Playing Fields. All about having fun, get in touch today, pay as you go and full term arrangements available. Plus how to get your FREE Enfield Town @PowerdayPLC sponsored first team replica shirt.

  • We are pleased to announce that our Thursday afternoon sessions for children with mobility issues will start again on Thursday 3rd April. The sessions are organised in conjunction with the local NHS Pediatric Physiotherapy Unit and feedback from participants and parents for previous sessions has......

  • A new 15 week term starts on Saturday 4th Jan, new participants can enrol, it’s a pay as you go model for all abilities between ages of 4-11 years. Text 07493 425359 or email for details...

  • Our Thursday afternoon sessions for children with mobility sessions have now paused for winter and will restart as soon as possible in the spring. The sessions are held on Enfield Town FC’s main pitch at The Dave Bryant stadium in conjunction with the Pediatric Physiotherapy......