Children With Mobility Issues

Working with our NHS 

In conjunction with the Pediatric Physiotherapy Unit of the local NHS Mental Health Trust, the Club offers specialist 1 hour football coaching sessions for children with autism and related challenges, from the age of 6 until early teens. They take place on the main pitch at The Dave Bryant Stadium in Donkey Lane on Thursdays between 4-6pm in 3 blocks of 6 sessions throughout the year, costing £30 per block. A free taster session is available.

Alfie Russell, our coach, has a marvelous empathy with the children with an emphasis, not only on developing skills, e.g. dribbling, passing and shooting, but having fun in a non-competitive environment, both from a playing and verbal prospective. It is so encouraging for the adults present to see their child improving their skills, develop a lovely relationship with the other children and witness the joy when their child scores a goal. Additionally the child’s physical development is considerably enhanced.

The following words sum up so eloquently and powerfully, the possible life changing value of all the sessions for the participants of all ages:-

 “I am the father of a 13-year-old boy, John, with a progressive, degenerative, disease (Charcot Marie Tooth disease). The condition means John has issues with his peripheral nerves and will never command the fine and gross motor skills of his contemporaries. This does not stop him running around and trying his best, and he loves football. John attends mainstream school but his opportunities to play in a formal (team) or informal (playground) setting are negligible because of his condition, despite the best intentions of his school.

The Saturday morning session at Enfield Playing Fields are an opportunity for John to play in a structured way, with other children and young adults in a fun way, so helping him to help himself; staying active, forcing his muscles to work. The drills, skills, and games the group go through each Saturday bring immense happiness to John and the others, and as a parent I hope that the Borough and the club can continue to support this provision for children like John, who otherwise would be excluded from football, to enjoy.”

We thank our sponsors Pellings for their support!